Soccer Club
Upcoming Events & News
We are hiring!
Apply now to serve as a School Champion
We are launching a new pilot program called “School Champions” in early 2025 to increase our community organizing efforts. We are seeking 3 individuals to step into this role to help us increase awareness of our programs, engage key schools in our Fields Project, and increase player registrations in our programs.
Players Needed
Fifth Grade U11G Needed for Futsal!
Our Fifth Grade U11G Futsal team is is needed of 2 more players to complete their roster and compete in the Rose City Futsal recreational league. If you are interested in registering please read the FAQ’s and email our Program Director Omar at
Fall Survey
Share your feedback with us from now through the end of the year!
Want to help us improve our programs? You can start by completing our Fall season feedback survey! All coaches, team managers, and parents are invited to complete the survey.
Fields Project
Building Fields for All of North Portland’s Kids
We partnering with 10 of our K-8 schools in North Portland to design and construct new soccer fields. Launched in the spring of 2024, this multi-year project will increase access to quality and safe fields for thousands of North Portland kids.
Support our mission.
Support scholarships, our Fields Project, and more!
Soccer is more than just a sport; it’s an opportunity for youth to gain tangible leadership skills, value fair play, understand collaboration and teamwork, and to grow and learn. This past year, we served over 1,000 kids in North Portland!