Fields Project
Project overview
The North Portland Soccer Club (NPSC) has a vision to create safe and accessible soccer fields at ten (10) K-8 schools in our North Portland service area. In collaboration with our schools, we anticipate designing, funding, and supporting the construction of soccer fields to create more play spaces for kids during and after school.
Project Sites
The specific schools we will be working to support, include:
Astor K-8 School
Beach Elementary
Cesar Chavez K-8 School
Chief Joseph Elementary
George Middle School
James John Elementary
Ockley Green Middle School
Peninsula Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary
Sitton Elementary
The Fields Project was launched in the Spring of 2024. Our goal is to have this project completed over a 5-7 year period. Year 1 plans are currently in motion. A general timeline of when we anticipate project planning with each school is below*:
Year 1: 2024
Field project plans begin with Cesar Chavez K-8 School and Astor K-8 School
Year 2: 2025
Field project plans begin with George Middle School and Beach Elementary
Year 3: 2026
Field project plans begin with Rosa Parks Elementary and Sitton Elementary
Year 4: 2027
Field project plans begin with Ockley Green Middle School and Peninsula Elementary
Year 5: 2028
Field project plans begin with Chief Joseph Elementary and James John Elementary
*Note - this timeline could shift depending on community need and club capacity.
Fields Project Team
The North Portland Soccer Club Board of Directors and Program Director are the primary leaders driving this project. Additionally, we will be relying on volunteer and community supporters to move this project forward. This includes:
Site-specific volunteers: we’ll be working with teachers, PTA/PTSO volunteers, and other parents at each school to develop a unique plan for their site. These volunteers will also play a crucial role in helping to raise matching funds for each school.
Landscape architects: we are looking for 2-3 landscape architects who can donate their time pro bono. This team will be responsible for developing site plans for each school and identifying contractors who can help make it possible.
Maintenance Plan
We recognize that a one-time investment in installing fields at each school is not sufficient. Fields require ongoing maintenance and upkeep, and NPSC wants to maintain a long-term partnership with our schools to ensure this happens.
Have Questions? Want to Get Involved?
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